How has Adaps streamlined it’s Recruitment Process using Xobin


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About Adaps

The oldest Australian-owned IT company, Adaps, was founded in 1964 and runs on self-imposed high standards and clearly defined procedures.

Adaps has a proven track record, the ideal blend of in-depth research and industry analysis, and the ability to consistently adhere to client specifications in order to meet industry-specific expectations.

We’ve been utilizing the assessment tool offered by Xobin, which has proven to be an exceptional resource during the pandemic. It has allowed us to conduct candidate interviews remotely, inviting them through Teams and facilitating video and audio testing.

The overarching objective of Adaps’ many-faceted purpose is to lead the industry in excellence. Here, we prioritize time-saving services with added value that will best serve our wide spectrum of clients. Our initial goal is to provide sustainable services in a thoughtful and economical manner.

Important links of Adaps:

Problem Statement and Business Need of Adaps

Adaps previously conducted candidate tests on paper, which proved to be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. The manual nature of the process required significant manpower to correct the handwritten papers, which resulted in further delays. Additionally, retaining the test papers created an additional challenge, requiring additional resources for storage and management.

The Solution: How Xobin brought in recruitment efficiency for Adaps

How Xobin helped asaps

By implementing the Xobin platform, Adaps have successfully streamlined the recruitment process, significantly reducing the need for manual work and minimizing the time required to conduct tests. With detailed reports generated automatically, now Adaps can make data-driven decisions, saving time and improving the efficiency of their recruitment process.

Overall, Xobin has proven to be a valuable asset, enabling Adaps to save time and resources while ensuring that they have chosen the most qualified candidates.

Xobin has streamlined our recruitment process, it has reduced the need of manual work and minimized the time required to conduct the tests.

Adaps has aimed to conduct tests for both technical and non-technical roles to assess candidates’ behavioral and technical skills accurately. The tool they implemented has enabled them to achieve this goal seamlessly.

By using the tool, they can screen candidates thoroughly and pick the best individuals from the market, ensuring that only the most qualified applicants are selected. The tool has also streamlined Adaps recruitment process, reducing the need for manual work and providing detailed reports on candidates’ performance.

Overall, this has helped them to make more informed hiring decisions and identify the most suitable candidates for their organization.

Which were the most effective features and products of Xobin

Adaps team have used the following key features to achieve their recruitment goals:

  • Question Randomizer: This helps to randomize the question paper for each candidate taking up the assessment from a pool of questions.
  • SQL Compiler: Code snippet based multiple choice questions and coding questions on SQL helped Adaps evaluate candidate’s in depth knowledge.
  • Pre-built test: Xobin has 1000+ skill assessment tests for various job roles in the market. Simply browse the assessments from Xobin assessment library and add it the Dashboard for inviting candidates immediately.
  • Detailed reports: For all the assessments detailed reports are generated automatically, which helps organizations to make data-driven decisions.

Adaps has been utilizing the assessment tool offered by Xobin, which has proven to be an exceptional resource during the pandemic. The tool has allowed Adaps to conduct candidate interviews remotely, inviting them through Teams and facilitating video and audio testing.

This has enabled Adaps to maintain their recruitment process seamlessly while ensuring the safety and well-being of their team members and candidates.

The Xobin assessment tool provides a user-friendly interface that enabled us to develop and customize examinations for different positions, skill levels, and industries. It has been a huge help to us during the hiring process.

The Xobin assessment tool offers a user-friendly interface that allowed Adaps to create and customize assessments for various roles, skill levels, and industries, while also providing detailed reports on candidate performance. Overall, Xobin’s assessment tool has been an invaluable asset to Adaps recruitment process.

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